Friday, July 31, 2009
One Major Reason Music Stores are Going Out of Business
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Birthdate of Casey Stengel/Anniversary of Joyce and Keith
Psychedelic Classic Hit of the Day - I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night by the Electric Prunes
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Bob Dylan Song of the Day - Dark Eyes
I saw Bob and Patti Smith sing this as a duet in December 1995 at the Beacon Theater. The Youtube video below was taken in Philadelphia during the same tour.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Trip to the Oral Surgeon Today

Everything went well.
Yes, this is a very boring entry. Who wants to read about someone elses dental problems? I remember years ago my mother had gum problems and had to go a periodontist. She would bore my father and me by talking about her dental procedures.
End of entry :)
Happy Recap at Citifield last night

Box Score
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Broadway Show at Hofstra University
I was really luck that when we arrived at the theater we got one of the last seats left. I learned my lesson to order tickets in advance. This show was in a lecture hall that was converted into a theater for this show. It paid tribute to many of Broadway's greatest stars including Julie Andrews, Yul Brynner, Carol Channing, Nathan Lane, Zero Mostel, and Jerry Orbach among many others. The cast members sang selections from many songs heard on Broadway from 1900 to the present. We saw the last showing. For more information, please see:
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Finally an HD2 station with some personality
I reported that the country station in NYC has been moved to 106.7 HD2. This stations does have a voice tracked DJ who comments on the music. Hopefully this enhancement will move to other HD2 stations. I have resisted the temptation to buy the first portable HD radio on the market.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Nice Surpise on Jeopardy's last show of the 25th Season

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Random Thoughts on a Staycation Day
I read this week's Sports Illustrated. There were article about the best baserunners in major league baseball, Ron Artest who recently signed with the L.A. Lakers, and Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow.
I got home at 12 noon in time to listen to the Beatles on Q-104.3. Maria Melito played a set of 3 George Harrison songs. At 12:15 I turned on 106.7-HD2 to hear Classic Lite for the last time. Tomorrow country music is supposed to move to that station.
At 12:30, I turned on the Meredith Viera version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire but at 12:35 it was interrupted a news report about elected officials in New Jersey who were arrested for corruption. This was important, but I didn't enough to break into scheduled programming. If this happened during Jeopardy I really would have been pissed off.
I went downstairs to read. About a week ago I purchased from Amazon the book So You Want to be a Rock'N'Roll Star, The Byrds Day by Day 1965-73. I have read biographies of the Byrds and its members, but this volume gives a detailed account of what the group did every day. Sometimes reading all the details can be boring. This was a heavy coffee taqble book which I can not schlep on the trains to work next week so I have to read it at home.
While I was sitting I brought my personal stereo to listen if I wanted to take a break from reading. I made the mistake of listening to Rush Limbaugh on WABC who was making derogatory remarks about President Obama and various United States Senators whom he doesn't like. If anyone reading this journal catches me listening to Limbaugh again, please come to my house and steal all my radios. Hmm.. should I post this on some radio message boards. :)
I then turned on Mike Francesa on WFAN who complained that ESPN TV and radio did not report the situation about Ben Roethlisberger, since he is a favorite of that organization.
I decided to walk down the block to the public library to check out a book that is light enough for me to schlep to work. I found Miracle Ball: My Hunt for the Shot Heard 'Round the World by Birian Biegel and radio personality Pete Fornatale. This is aobut the home run that Bobby Thompson hit off Ralph Branca in the 1951 National League playoff. While I was in the library I heard two people arguing about taking too long on a computer. I hear enough of this at NJIT, do I really want to hear about it on my vacation. Believe me, when I go to the public library, I find my book, check it out and leave. I don't need any more library aggravation.
When I came home and started surfing the web I got a phone call from contest enthusiast Cara Sieden. There was a question on B-103 about what hit did Rod Stweart sing with the Temptations. I didn't know the answer immediately, but I was able to look it up in my Joel Witburn book which lists every hit that was ever charted. It was the Motown Song recorded in 1991, I don't know if Cara won the contest.
Tomorrow is another day.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Home for Country Music in NYC
New York City Loses Country Music on the Radio Again
Today 103.5 HD2 became a rhythmic station appealing to a gay and lesbian audience. It is now known as Pride Radio. I believe that the owner Clear Channel has this format on HD2 stations in othr markets. Right now I am listening to country music on Sirius/XM. People in NYC who like country music will have to get it from internet streams.
Paul McCartney at Citifield Last Night
Back in 1965 when the Beatles appeared at Shea Stadium, I just didn't have the money to buy tickets. Earlier in the day I found in our VHS collection a tape of the Beatles at Shea. Murray the K and Cousin Bruce Morrow were the announcers. The stage was set up in the middle of the stadium as the Beatles sang for only 35 minutes. The screams of the girls in the audience drowned out the singing.
It rained for most of the day and I was just hoping that the weather would not put a damper on the concert literally, We arrived at Citifield at 6:40. I am always an early bird :). The stage was set up in deep center field. Obviously many of the seats for baseball could not be used since people there could not see the stage. There were seats on the playing field. Nothing happened until 7:25 when an opening called Smith from Dublin, Ireland took the stage and played for 45 minutes. The people in the audience were of all ages ranging from small children to seniors who listened to the Beatles in the 1960s. Lee wore his t-shirt of the Beatles at Shea. This extra time gave people the opportunity to buy food and beer. This is fine, but I just can't understand why people must leave their seats to buy the overpriced beer as this concert is likely a once in a lifetime event, while one can drink beer anytime.
Finally, at 9 PM, Sir Paul and his backup band took the stage. Whenever, I went to Bob Dylan concerts I always had to guess what songs he was playing. Sometimes it would take me a minute or to guess the song if it were one of his rarities. Friday's set list appeared in Sunday's New York Times. So we knew what song was coming up as the set list was the same. I was unfamiliar with just a few songs that Paul recorded as a solo artist.
I especially enjoyed Paul's version of George Harrison's Something. He started playing a ukelele and then moved to a guitar. Photos of George were shown on a screen in the background. Paul made a tribute to John by playing Here Today and Give Peace a Chance. Another highlight was the fireworks display during Live or Let Die. Paul certainly has his voice after all these years of performing. Bob Dylan's voice has obviously declined after all these years of giving concerts.
Billy Joel did not appear as he did on Friday. I was also hoping for Ringo Starr, but he wasn't there. It is obviously imposible to play everything in the catalog. I would have liked to have heard Penny Lane and Coming Up. There was a warning for people not to take photos and videos, but I saw many people with cameras. If you do a search on Youtube under McCartney and Citifield you will see many amateur videos. At the top of this entry you will see Paul seeing I'm Down which was played both at Shea and Citifield. I'm Down was the B side of Help, but was not heard in the film.
Set list:
“Drive My Car”
“Only Mama Knows”
“Flaming Pie”
“Got To Get You Into My Life”
“Let Me Roll It” (with a “Purple Haze” coda)
“The Long and Winding Road”
“My Love”
“Here Today”
“Dance Tonight”
“Calico Skies”
“Mrs. Vandebilt”
“Eleanor Rigby”
“Sing the Changes”
“Band on the Run”
“Back in the U.S.S.R.”
“I’m Down”
“Something” (on ukulele)
“I’ve Got a Feeling”
“Paperback Writer”
“A Day in the Life”/“Give Peace a Chance”
“Let It Be”
“Live and Let Die”
“Hey Jude”
“Day Tripper”
“Lady Madonna”
“I Saw Her Standing There”
“Helter Skelter”
“Get Back”
“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” (reprise)/“The End”
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yearly Tour of Rego Park
I will upload these photos to Facebook, but I suggest my Facebook friends go to this web site since the photos have captions and annotations.
40 Years Ago Today

I think back to what I was doing on July 20, 1969. I was a student at the City College of New York taking summer classes in basic economics and sociology. They closed school on Monday July 21 to celebrate. Since classes were in the morning I worked at Alexanders Department Store in Rego Park from 2 PM - 6 PM. I was dating a girl named Elissa who lived in Eastern Queens.
Everyone's Gone to the Moon by Jonathan King was a hit in 1965. Radio stations did play it as an oldie in the summer of 1969.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day Trip to Atlantic City

Of course, I took my Sony Walkman to listen on the bus. I was able to check out several radio stations along the Jersey shore. We got home about 10 PM. A disadvantage is that 7 out of the 13 hours are spent traveling from Queens to Atlantic City, but with the casino voucher, the trip is almost free. I never had much gambling spirit, so playing with the slot machines is like laying video games. I just lost the $25 from the voucher. We spent some time walking along the Boardwalk and bought some of the famous Atlantic City taffy.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Don't Worry Be Happy - The World Will Not Come to an End
Since Allan Sniffen wrote a memo calling for the demise of Saturday Night Oldies there has been a flurry of activity and speculation among the show’s most devoted listeners, some of whom read this journal.
Here are the facts:
The show has been rebranded as Saturday Night.
Mark Simone plays mostly 70s and 80s music
There has been more talk and less music.
The show has been cut from 4 hours to 3 hours
Some former diehards have stopped listening
The message board postings have declined.
The show is doing well in the ratings and the management is satisfied with the advertising dollars.
The major speculation is that the show is experiencing a slow death and will soon be taken off the air. Readers and listeners, please heed my call:
Change is inevitable
Nothing in this world is absolutely permanent
What will happen if Saturday Night Oldies is cancelled?
The world will not come to an end
Mark Simone will be on the Saturday morning show and will fill in when other WABC hosts are off
There will be other sources where we can hear oldies or classic hits.
The virtual community spawned by the message board will not die. We will have Meets and Greets
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Big New York City Radio News

Nothing in this world remains the same. It is no secret that the New York Times among many other newspapers is having financial problems and wanted to sell the station. Some years ago a former colleague interested in classical music told me that he didn't like hearing his music on the radio since with commercials they could only play short pieces. Commercial classical music stations have been accused of having tight playlists which make real enthusiasts of that genre unhappy.
This is similar to a situation in 1988 when NBC got out of the radio business. It sold WYNY at 97.1 on the dial which then moved to 103.5 while WQHT moved to 97.1. I remember on that day I had two tape decks going to record the switchovers.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Do I Really Need another Radio?

Anyway, I am looking around my apartment and count 10 radios including my car radio. Do I really need another one?
Andrea - how many radios do you own?
Spotlight on Roger McGuinn
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Doo Wop at Flushing Town Hall This Afternoon

Mets beat Reds 4-0 last night

Box Score
Good Luck John Choe and John Liu

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Some Comments on Reconnecting with People from the Past
- I have avoided contacting people who were close friends years ago. I am thinking of two people from my CCNY days. I found their e-mail addresses, but never contacted them.
- I never reconnected with any of the girls I dated. I did find two of them on Facebook
- Most of my reconnections were with casual acquaintances back then.
- Most of my reconnections were very brief. I exchanged a few e-mails and then the contact just died out. I can think of one person from high school (he may still read this journal) with whom I reconnected online and have maintained contact for several years.
- I have been friends with Roy for 42 years since we graduated from high school. He is on e-mail, but almost all of my contact with him has been through the telephone.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fire on the Throgs Neck Bridge Snarls Traffic in Queens Today

When I am off work on Fridays I like to go to a park walk around and read. When I left my house at about 10 AM I noticed the traffic was heavy on the Whitestone Expressway since it had to be used as alternative to Throgs Neck Bridge. I decided to use side streets to Chrocheron Park. When I got there I walked along the Cross Island Parkway which was jammed until I reached Fort Totten where I could see the Throgs Neck Bridge. I actually saw a section of it that was charred from the fire.
At 4 PM I heard that the bridge was open Queens bound, but closed Bronx bound. Thankfully I was not stuck in the traffic.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Analyzing My Facebook Friends

New York Librarians - 37 8.4%
New Jersey Librarians - 23 5.3 %
NJIT Colleagues - 48 11.0%
American Chemical Society Colleagues - 30 6.8%
Other Librarians - 21 4.8%
Radio enthusiasts - 99 22.6%
Family - 9 2.0%
NJIT Students - 110 25.1%
People from my past - 14 3.2%
Other Slutskys 13 0.2%
Bob Dylan Enthusiasts 1 0.2%
Others - 31 7.1%
Anyway, I really should "de-friend" many of the NJIT students whom I don't know especially if they have graduated. I should get on some Bob Dylan Facebook groups and make friends there.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
When the Media Exaggerates the News
I must object to the extraordinary media coverage given today as the Michael Jackson funeral is in progress as I am writing this entry on my lunch hour. All of the major broadcast and cable tv outlets are covering his memorial service at the Staples Center in LA. I remember in November 1963 when the entire world stopped to watch the funeral of John F. Kennedy. The death of a popular yet controversial entertainer can not be equated. I just don't feel his funeral deserves this unversal media coverage.
I am especially disappointed that a local outlet New York 1 has chosen to cover the ceremony. I have always enjoyed their news coverage since they always emphasized New York City news that was meaningful. I even sent them an e-mail criticizing them for their coverage of this event. I doubt if they will respond.
Does the media report or create the news?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thinking Ahead to Retirement

The Wiz at New York City Center

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Why a regular caller from WFAN disappeared

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Queens Museum of Art Revisited Today
A few of the temporary exhibits were:
- Red Lines Housing Crisis Learning Center, a large-scale installation of models, drawings, photographs, and videos by artist-designer Damon Rich
- Tarjama Translation - an exhibition featuring artists from the Middle East, Central Asia and its diasporas
I guess since today was a holiday, the museum was not crowded. For a $5 admission fee, how could we go wrong?
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Hangover

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Facebook and the AARP

Anyway, Hugh Delehanty the author of this article,who is about my age talks about his experiences with Facebook. He says baby boomers are the web site's fastest growing demographic. He says that the "friending" thing was what got him hooked on Facebook. I first got invloved with it just after I attended a library seminar demonstrating how it could be an outreach tool to students. So I tried to friend as many NJIT students as I could. Since Slutsky is not a common surname I tried to befriend other Slutsky's even though there is no relation.
I have 436 friends, but I am not even acquainted with many of them. If a complete stranger makes a friend request, I will likely return the favor unless I am in a rotten mood that day. My friends fall into the following categories:
- NJIT Students
- NJIT Faculty and Staff
- Family (blood relatives)
- Radio Friends
- Radio Personalities
- Librarians and Information Professionals (non-NJIT)
- People from my past - PS 139, JHS 190, Forest Hills HS, City College
- Strangers - some have read my journal
I try to limit my time on Facebook, so I am don't consider myself an addict. There are certainly other social networking sites which I must avoid since there is only so much time in a day.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Moving On and Letting Go
Whats too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
I can't do that. I remember the good and the bad