Saturday, February 28, 2009
Hofstra 88 UNC - Wilmington 81 (OT)

Paul Harvey 1918-2009

In NYC Paul Harvey was heard on WABC. The only time I listened to him with some degree of regularity was back in 1977-78 when I heard him on WSUB - Groton, CT.
He was clearly a giant in the field of radio broadcasting.
Found - Maggie's Farm by Richie Havens
Friday, February 27, 2009
New Alternative Version of Beatles Revolution?

Tonight I turned on Bob Radil's 60s and 70s show on WNHU - New Haven which is heard on the web at http://wnhu.org . At about 7:50, he played this version. Luckily he was able to download it before it was taken away. I had my record on and have an MP3 of it that can be downloaded at http://www.4shared.com/file/89895803/5600cc3f/Beatles_Alternative_Revolution.html
There is a little extaneous noise. You can hear the notorious AOL voice saying "You Got Mail". Oh well.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
We Miss Johnny Cash on His Birthday

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We miss George Harrison on his birthday

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Keith Feuer
Strangest thing happened after my consultation with the oral surgeon

Cartoon about Facebook
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cartoon in Sunday's New York Times about Facebook
A guy is sitting at his laptop and is thinking - There are still some aspect of Facebook's Terms of Service that bother me.
The terms of service says: You agree to waste precious and valuable time searching for new friends and and also boring the daylights of friends you currently have with the most mundane details of your sad, sad, life.
I think I can relate to that.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Spotlight on Don K Reed

The Sports Museum of America has closed

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bob Dylan Never Ending Tour Diaries
I was checking Expecting Rain , a Bob Dylan fan site, to see if the link to the latest Theme Time Radio hour was posted. I was pleasantly surprised to Bob Dylan New Ending Tour Diaries issued by Highway 61 Entertainment. Since Dylan has been on tour almost continously since 1992, his fans have called it the Never Ending Tour which after a short hiatus, will resume in March in Stockholm, Sweden. Winston Watson, was a drummer on this tour from 1992-97. He performed about 400 shows with Dylan.
Joel Gilbert, the front man for the Dylan tribute band Highway 61 Revisited, interviewed Winston. He discussed how he was recruited for the tour and showed short clips from some of the concerts. For legal reasons Dylan songs were not played here. Dylan did not need a teleprompter with the words of his songs. The songs were his babies and he knew them backwards and forwards. He preferred that the audience hear new versions of his songs rather than hearing the original recording. Tony Garnier, another backup musician, helped Dylan devise the set list for each concert. Winston left the tour after 5 years since the traveling was so tiresome and it kept him away from his family.
This DVD is for the Dylan fanatic, not the casual fan. You will learn quite a bit about Winston Watson. Backup musicians usually don't get the recognition they deserve.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Comedy should be Seen and Heard not Read

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Rumor about a New Bob Dylan CD

- My 60th birthday
- Opening of Citifield
- New Bob Dylan album
Shea Stadium in completely gone

On a related issue, I feel a litle bad for the people of the South Bronx who lost a significant amount of park space with the construction of the new Yankee Stadium. As of now the old stadium stands as it was at the end of the 2008 baseball season. Shea was demolished immediately since the 2,000 parking spots for each game would generate revenue. No revenue is generated from parks.
Let me quote from Joni Mitchell's Big Yellow Taxi:
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot spot
Dont it always seem to go
That you dont know what youve gotTill its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Police in the Subway should pay more attention to major crimes

Anyway, I really feel that police officers should really be looking for major crime on the trains.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Results of my Citifield Survey

Keep the name as Citifield - 1
Jackie Robinson Stadium - 1
Gil Hodges Stadium - 2
Shea Stadium - 5
Others - 10
Other responses included:
Bailout Field
New Shea Stadium
Metropolitan Stadium
Woody Guthrie Field
The possibility of renaming the new stadium has been out of the news for at least a week. When a corporation is bought and name is changed the stadium must be renamed. In Arizona Bank One Ballpark became Chase Field. Who knows what may happen to Citibank in the years to come? I remember 30 or 40 years ago it was known as First National City Bank.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Bob Dylan Song of the Day - Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window
For some strange reason this song was in the my head today. It was released as a 45 RPM single in Fall 1965 as a follow-up to Positively Fourth Street.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Jazz on A Sunday Afternoon

Saturday, February 14, 2009
College Basketball on Valentine's Day

After the game we went to Ben's Deli in nearby Greenvale. Ben's has several restaurants on Long Island. I don't want to bore anyone so I won't report on what we ate. We listened to Saturday Night Oldies in the car on the way home when Mark had a discussion with hits that were not love songs. Right now I am listening to Cousin Brucie on Sirius XM, but I will turn back to WABC at 9:05 to hear Mark interview Clay Cole.
Camp Wel-Met 1961-65

1961 – I went to the 3-week session at the Barryville location since it was my first time living away from home at age 12. My counselors were Eddie Fisher (same name as the entertainer) and Bob Kipness, a student at Cooper Union. I remember that I had a tough time adjusting since I was a very picky eater.
1962 – I went to the 6-week session at Narrowsburg. My counselor was Ira Levinson who was a medical student. The only campers that I remember from Unit 5 Bunk 92 were Perry Stuart, Joey Heumann, Alan Metzger, and Kenny. The last two were classmates of mine at Russell Sage. I went with Alan Metzger to my first game at Shea Stadium in April 1964. I fondly remember the Wel-Met cocoa that they gave us every morning for breakfast. A couple of times we would go out and sleep in the woods in our sleeping bags. I remember parents visiting day when all the kids, including me, got care packages of junk food from their parents.
1963 – I went back to the same 6-week session and was in Unit 5 Bunk 97 while my counselor was Marty Wasserman. The only camper I remember is Lee Cannon who lived in Coney Island. There was a counselor named Indira who taught the entire unit to sing Blowin’ in the Wind. At that time I was not familiar with the writer of that song. Toward the end of that session I was bitten by an insect on the back of my neck and developed a boil that had to be opened surgically after I came home in August.
1964 – I went to Pioneer Camp at Narrowsburg where we lived in an open tent. My counselor was a tall man named Steve who looked like Abe Lincoln. Lloyd Setlis was the director of the entire unit. The only two campers that I remember are Douglas Kaye, Dave Karp, and Howard Levine. I remember we took a day trip to Scranton, PA to observe poverty.
1965 – I went to the Western Trip. We started out in Narrowsburg where we had an orientation. One of the campers was Phyllis Silverman whose parents were friends of mine from Forest Hills. In 1998 I met her at a Forest Hill High School in Tenafly, NJ. She brought a scrap book of photos and even saved a diary of that trip. Some of the other campers were Mitch, Steve, Mark Solloway, Dick Seltzer, Mark Cohen, and Nancy Yellen. The director of the tour was Jarard while some of the counselors were Bernie, Louise, and Marge. One early morning we left Narrowsburg and drove out to Columbus, Ohio where we changed drivers. We then continued on to St. Louis where we stayed by a Jewish Community Center. The highlight of the trip was the Grand Canyon. Some of the other stops were the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, Mesa Verde National Monument, the Jensby farm in Kansas, the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan and Niagara Falls.
I’m sure that as time goes by more details will come to me, but I’ll close at this point. There is a site for alumni of Camp Wel-Met at http://www.wel-metcamps.com/mainpage.html . Most of the posters are some years younger than I. I found a few familiar names, but I really didn’t want to reconnect. There have been some camp reunions of the years, but thousands of kids over the years went to Wel-Met so it would be unlikely for me to meet someone I knew.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Spotlight on Simon and Garfunkel

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet

Thursday, February 12, 2009
My take on Blogs or Journals
The Wikipedia states that blogs are “usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.” The writing style is usually very informal.
There are several types of blogs:
Personal – resembling a diary
Corporate – used for business purposes
Question blog
Genre – political, fashion, news, project, education, etc
I chose the personal journal for http://www.bruceslutsky.com/ . Let me quote again from the Wikipedia : “Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art.” I like to use my journal to try to remember what I did and when I did it. I understand that not everyone cares if on January 18, 2007 I ate at Uncle Bill’s diner. If I was to write a formal autobiography, I would not include that. I use this journal to reach out to people I know and to strangers. I don’t expect everyone to read every entry. I have been told the people enjoy reading about my memories of growing up in Rego Park. I don’t expect all readers to be fans of Bob Dylan or oldies radio. They can skip those entries if they prefer.
My other journal, http://njitbruce.blogspot.com/ is a corporate journal even though a university is not a corporation. I like to use it to document work experiences that are out of the ordinary.
On the other hand my good friend Dave DuBrow’s World Journal File is mostly a news journal. Often there is a story that I missed, but I find it in Dave’s Journal. He also reports on Saturday Night Oldies and Mark Simone. Dave also keeps a personal journal which is less active.
I am certainly welcome to receive any constructive criticism from readers of this journal.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bad News From the Dentist

Russell Sage Junior High School 1961-64

Another big issue back then was integration of the school. Sage was in an almost exclusive white Jewish area of Forest Hills. Back then it was called de-facto segregation since students went to schools near where they lived. In order to achieve integration Negro students were bused from Jamaica to Sage in Forest Hills. The terms Black and African American were not used back then. There was some apprehension on my part about going to school with students of another race. I did feel that my parents were prejudiced back then. The Yiddish term Schwartzer was used as a slur for Black people. When we see that Barack Obama was elected president 48 years later, and think back to the early 1960s, I realize how things have changed for the better. There were mostly good relationships between students of different backgrounds. I do not recall any major racial incidents back then.
Some of my friends in Russell Sage were:
Larry Stahl
Joshua Socoloff
Alan Nelson
Alan Metzger
Eric Fradkin
Some of my teachers:
Mrs. Allen - English
Mrs. Minov - Social Studies
Mr. Seligsohn – Social Studies
Mr. Cahill – Math
Mrs. Klein – Math
Miss Singer – Spanish
Mr. Lederer – Spanish
Mr. Jackson - Math
There was one incident that comes to mind. In the eighth grade Larry Stahl brought his portable tape recorder to school and taped some classes. Mrs. Klein, the math teacher went into a rage when she found out her class was recorded.
The major news event of that time was the assassination of President Kennedy. We came to math class on that fateful Friday when Mr. Jackson told us that he had been shot. He cancelled the exam for that day and we just sat. Dr. Charles Tanzer the principal later got on the loudspeaker system and announced to the school that President Kennedy was dead. Some of the girls in the class openly cried. About 20 years later Dr. Tanzer came to the New York Public Library. He seemed impressed that I remembered him.
Of course, the other big event during that time was Beatlemania. The teachers just could not understand what the kids liked about them.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Trying to remember the very early years growing up in Rego Park

Mrs. Avidon
Mrs. Michelle
Mrs. Randall
Mrs. Chesser
Mrs. Milstein
Mrs. Berger
Some of my friends were:
Steven Gaber
Richard Jacobowitz
Ron Freisenger
Ronnie Blum
Ronnie Bierman
Michael Weisbrot
Jeffrey Little
Lorin Merinoff
Jeffrey Mehler
Philip Kart
Robert Stok
Mark Epstein
Robert Klein
Joel Truehaft
Maybe these guys will google their names and find this journal. A few years ago I reconnected online with Richard who changed his surname to Jacoby and lives in California. In the Spring of 2000 I met Steven Gaber who now lives in Toronto and we walked around the old neighborhood. I spoke with Robert Klein on the phone some years back. He lived in Virginia back in the 1990s.
I may as well talk about my Hebrew School years at the Rego Park Jewish Center. We left PS 139 at 3:00 and had to go for Hebrew classes at 3:30. Everybody hated learning the Hebrew language since it was so difficult with different letters and vowels. One of my teachers there Jay Bushinsky becam a journalist and has been the correspondant from Israel for 1010 WINS radio. I remember Mr. Yardeni, the mean music teacher. I fondly remember Rabbi Josiah Derby, syngagogue assistant Jack Feldman, Cantor Morris Loewy who gave the Bar Mitzvah lessons. Right next to the temple was a barber shop. Back in the early 60s, the adult price was $1.25 and children paid $1.00. The barber who was not Jewish always asked a young man when is his Bar Mitzvah. Of course, we all liked to brag about that, so if we had our big ceremony we had to pay the adult price.
Here is a good web site about Rego Park.
Sometime soon I will write about my days at Russell Sage Junior High School and Camp Wel-MetThose were the days.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Pink Panther 2

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Yesterday, Yesterday's and Hofstra Basketball

This morning Karen, Lee and I drove to New Hyde Park and met radio enthusiast Cara Sieden for breakfast at a diner called Yesterday's. There was a mural on the wall with pictures of Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, James, Dean, Humphrey Bogart, and retired WCBS-FM personality Don K. Reed. Cara said that Don K. lives nearby and eats at that diner regularly. On the way there as we listened to WCBS-FM, Sue O'Neill announced that Andrea from Brooklyn keeps sending her text messages and photos of her doing the laundry. Oy Vey!
From there we drove out to Hofstra to see their basketball team beat Towson State 71-68.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Lucky to be on the late shift tonight

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Writer's block today
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens

Buddy Holly was certainly a major artist at the time of his death at age 22. He with the Crickets had many hits including That'll Be the Day, Peggy Sue, Oh Boy, Rave On and others. People of all ages are familiar with his music. J. P. Richardson only had one hit with Chantilly Lace. Richie Valens had the two sided hit Donna/La Bamba. We never will know what music these three artists would have produced had they lived. Likewise we don't know what other recording artists who died before their time would have done. Their work influenced many other artists in the 1960s. The Beatles and the Hollies would have chosen other names.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bob Dylan at the Superbowl and the Morning After
Of course, Bruce Springsteen performed at half time at the Superbowl. Below is a video of the boss and Dylan singing Forever Young together.
For years I have had the clock radio on WFUV or WCBS-FM set for 6:10 AM. You never know whether a song, commercial, DJ talk or the weather report will come on when the alarm goes off. Today Like A Rolling Stone came on as the alarm went off. The day started out on the right note.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Shea Stadium is almost gone