Bruce with Alan. He has an autographed WMCA
Good Guy Sweatshirt
I met up with Alan Berman at the Met game on Saturday
afternoon June 15 as we had planned. It was a
lousy game as the Mets lost 5-2. On
Sunday he posted on Facebook that he was going to Westchester to play
golf. There were no further Facebook
posts from the world’s greatest Facebook addict. On Tuesday morning I received an e-mail from
Terri saying she was really worried since there were no postings or e-mail from
Alan in over a day which is so unlike him.
After I tried to call him on Tuesday afternoon and evening, I really
suspected something wrong and searched his name in Google News. I found the terrible report from
News 12Westchester that he was killed in a terrible car accident. I don’t know the whole story, but he could have suffered a
heart attack, seizure or stroke while driving.
I first met Alan in July 2006 at Shea Stadium. Back in June I organized a
Meet and Greet at Ellen’s Stardust Diner for the first anniversary of the change of WCBS-FM from
Oldies to the dreaded Jack Format. Alan was apologetic saying that he really
wanted to come, but he had tickets for the Met game. He asked for my phone number and we talked
about oldies, radio and baseball. We
found at that we both went to school in Rhode Island in the early 1970s. He went to Vernon Court College while I
pursued my studies in chemistry at the University of Rhode Island. We recalled listening to famed morning DJ
Salty Brine on WPRO Providence.
Everybody in Rhode Island listened to Salty back then.
Alan, like all Met fans are sad since the team has lost
so much over recent years and want the Wilpons
to sell the team
It late 2006 we both became hooked on Saturday Night Oldies
heard on WABC. The show brought oldies
back to terrestrial radio for 4 hours a week after WCBS-FM was hijacked. Frank D’Agostino organized the first
Meet andGreet in December 2006 for the first anniversary of that show. We met at Ben’s Deli on West 38
Street. These gatherings became the most important
thing in Alan’s life. As soon as one
event ended, he started to talk about the next one. He always speculated on who was going to come
and how many people we would get.
The next big event was the
WABC Rewound Cruise in June 2007. On that day Alan was the happiest man on the face of the earth. The guests included Cousin Brucie, Dan Ingram, and the late Soupy Sales. We met same radio enthusiasts including Ron Soldano, Rob Frankel, Peter Kanze, Eileen G, Eileen W, Paula Ross Guice, Carol Kruger, Jeff Scheckner, Jay Mandel and others.
Bruce, Linda. Alan, Mary and Ron Soldano at the
WABC Cruise
The Meet and Greets that began in 2006 became yearly events. As soon as one gathering ended, Alan would talk about the next one. He always speculated on who was coming and how people we would get. Over the years several major radio personalities including Bobby Jay, Pat St. John, Jim Kerr, Broadway Bill Lee, Keith Allen, Jim Kerr, Carol Miller, Cool Bobby B and Bob Radil came to the events. In a short period of time Cool Bobby B became Alan's favorite DJ.
Cool Bobby B with his favorite listener
We had major gatherings at Ben's Deli every year which became better as the years went on. Of course Alan was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. We had several smaller gatherings over the years at various places in Queens and Manhattan. One of the gatherings was at the Long Island Radio Day in April 2010. Alan met Mary, Linda and Paula in Manhattan and drove them to Post. The highlight of that day for me was meeting the late Pete Fornatale.
Alan met Don K Reed at the Long Island Radio Day.
Alan always told me that the hijacking of WCBS-FM was a blessing in disguise since it created a virtual community of oldies enthusiasts who were outraged at the worst format change in radio history. That virtual community became real through the various gatherings. Alan made many friends in this radio group.
Alan with Don Tandler who runs Pop Gold Radio
Here are some random thoughts about Alan:
- He was also a big Bob Dylan fan. He always said that I was Dylan's biggest fan, but I respectfully denied that. Mel Prussack who has a Bob Dylan museum in his home has that distinction.
- Alan's mother was in failing health for several years before she died in May 2010. Alan spent so much time caring for her during her illness.
- Although Alan was a big Met fan he also rooted for the Yankees (except during the Subway Series) He and I were the same in that regard. He was going to go the Yankee Old Timers game on June 23.
- Alan was a big tennis fan ( Every July he vacationed in Newport Rhode Island near the Tennis Hall of Fame. There was a tournament there. He religiously attended the U.S. Open in Flushing Meadows Park every September
- Alan was excited when WCBS-FM returned in July 2007. However, he was very disappointed when their playlist emphasized 70s and 80s music while he preferred the "Heart of Rock n Roll." He embraced many online radio stations including Pop Gold Radio, Hy Lit Radio, and Rewound Radio.
- Alan enjoyed playing golf.
- Alan's biggest vice had to be Facebook. Sometimes I wondered if he was on Facebook 24/7
I last saw Alan on Saturday June 15th at Citifield as we saw the Mets lose to the Chicago Cubs 5-2. I first met him at a Met game and saw him the last time at a Met game just one day before his tragic accident. Alan was on his way home after playing golf.
Alan worked in his family's insurance business until it was sold in December 2009. He retired at that point. He spent his last years pursuing the things that he enjoyed.
Rest in peace, Alan. You will be sorely missed by your many friends.