Sunday, May 31, 2009
I finally set up the wireless at home!

Bob Dylan Cover of the Day
As I do on most Sunday mornings, I listened to Brian Matthew's Sounds of the 60s on BBC Radio Two. On this week's show I heard an interesting Jimi Hendrix cover of Dylan's Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window which was featured in this journal in February. It is shame that Hendrix died at the age of 27. We never know what works he would have created. Here is that cover version thanks to YouTube.
Paul McCartney Concert Rumor

We were listening to Ken Dashow's Breakfast with the Beatles show on Q-104. 3 this morning when he reported that Paul McCartney would be giving concerts at Citifield on July 17 and 18th. It was not confirmed though, but if this comes to pass I will try to get tickets. I'll just have to wait for an official announcement.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Trip to the American Museum of Natural History
About once a year we like to go to the American Museum of Natural History at 81st Street and Central Park West. It can take days to see the temporary and permanent exhibits on display. We purchased our ticket entitled us to see the regular exhibits plus two special programs. We walked through the Cullman Hall of the Universe, North American Mammals, the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, and the Akeley Hall of African Mammals. We saw Wild Ocean, a captivating IMAX film, features original music by award-winning directors Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas. Our last stop was a special exhibit called Climate Change which illustrates how climate works and demonstrated how global warming aafects, land, ocean, ice and the atmosphere. Visitors can larn ways to reduce energy consumption in their daily lives to reduce global warming. It was a welcome change of routine.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thank you David Stein

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Baby Boomers are less active on Facebook Lately

I first used Facebook to try to reach out to students at NJIT. It didn't work that way but it helped me network with people my age with similiar interests. I have used it to reconnect with people that I knew years ago. I have over 400 "friends" many of which I don't even know. For example I tried to befriend other people with the uncommon surname Slutsky. I made friends with some people I only met once. I don't plan on leaving Facebook, but maybe I should cut down my usage.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Paul McCartney will Record with Bob Dylan This Summer

It was recorded in this journal last November that Paul MCartney wanted to record with Bob Dylan. It was reported today that this will happen this summer. Dylan fans know that he recorded with George Harrison in the early 1970s and in the late 1980s with the Traveling Wilburys. I am sure that McCartney and Dylan will make beautiful music together. I just can't wait until this collaborative effect is released on CD.
One Advantage of Seeing a baseball game on home TV

contract with Major League Baseball forbids it. There is a new rule that a disputed home run may be reviewed on video tape. Last night Gary Sheffield hit a home run down the left field line. Since our seats were past third base our view was obstructed. There were likely several showings of that home run on television which we could not see at the ball park. After a 6 minute delay the umpires ruled it a home run. It hit above the orange stripe. There was a similiar situation in Boston on Friday night which also was ruled in favor of the Mets.
Last night they won 5-2, but the game was somewhat boring due to a total of 16 walks.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Ending my vacation at the Met Game Tonight

I spent much of this staycation getting adjusted to my new laptop computer. I am trying to get used to the Windows Vista operating system which will take time after using Windows XP exclusively for 6 years, All the computers at NJIT still run on XP. I stopped using AOL via DSL and started my subscription to Time Warner's Road Runner. I am still using the AOL software and using the same e-mail address. I had a little problem with the driver with the CD/DVD drive, but I resolved it by using the help chat from Gateway Computers. I downloaded the WABC Rewound files and had time to listen to three of the segments. I still was not able to set up the wireless in my apartment. I just didn't have the patience this morning to call the 800 number provided by Linksys. I'll do it next week.
Back to work tomorrow. I guess one must be grateful to have a job these days.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Some Thoughts on Bob Dylan's 68th Birthday
As the DJ at today's Bar Mitzvah introduced his parents to light a candle he played a clip of Dylan's "If Not for You" from the 1970 album "New Morning". Dylan's work has obviously transcended two generations. Where were you in '62? Here is his song to his hero Woody Guthrie recorded on his self titled album in 1962.
Let's turn the clock ahead 47 years when Dylan released his CD titled Together Through Life. There are not many recording artists who have been in the business that long. Here is Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
Happy Birthday Bob, and many more.
Let's turn the clock ahead 47 years when Dylan released his CD titled Together Through Life. There are not many recording artists who have been in the business that long. Here is Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
Happy Birthday Bob, and many more.
Bar Mitzvah today

Today was the Bar Mitzvah of Landon, my brother-in-law Paul's step son. The service was at Temple Sinai, a reform temple in Tenafly, New Jersey. The service was run diferently from Temple Israel of Jamaica where Lee was bar mitzvahed in May 2001. From there we went to the reception at a restaurant in Liberty State Park in Jersey City. There was a terrific view of the Hudson River and lower Manhattan. The food was very good, but the receptions are for the 13 year old kids. It was nice seeing Karen's family since I hadn't seen many of them in several years.
Friday, May 22, 2009
WABC Rewound Airchecks are now available

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Busy day with the new computer

- I downloaded the AOL software
- I downloaded the McAfee Virus software
- I got the Real Player
- I got the latest version of WinAMP
- I connected my HP printer to the new computer
I decided to wait a few days before I hook up the wireless router.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
History of My Using Personal Computers

Back in the mid 1980s I used a computer like the one fetured above when I worked at the big New York Public Library at 5th Avenue and 42nd Street. Those computers ran on PC-DOS with 512 kb of RAM and a hard drive of 10 megs. Everything was done in text with no graphics. I bought my first computer at home in December 1993. It was an IBM PS-1 running on Windows 3.1 with 120 MB hard drive. The computer came with a 2400 baud modem which I used to access America Online and Prodigy. I eventually upgraded to a 12,000 baud modem.
In 1999 I bought a Gateway Computer with an internal 24,000 baud modem with a 3 gigabyte hard drive. In ran with the Windows 98 operating system. I eventually got a DSL modem to access the internet.
In 2003 I bought the Gateway computer (Windows XP) that I am using right now. I still used the DSL modem. This computer has a 40 gigabyte hard drive. I will still keep it as a backup as I just bought the Gateway laptop using Windows Vista. I am having the Time Warnet Cable Road Runner installed tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Staycation Report - Busman's holiday?
I work in a library so what am I doing in another library during my vacation? Here is the story. Time Warner Cable is not coming until Thursday to install my new Internet connection, so here I am at the Queens Public Library down the street using their wireless connection. I am listening to Bob Shannon and Connie T. Empress on WLNG while I am writing this journal entry. I shouldn't be here too long since I want to sit on a park bench like an old fart doing some reading.
Earlier in the day Karen and I installed the digital converter for the small TV in the bedroom. Since we only watch it for about one hour a week we didn't want to incure a larger expense to hook it up to cable TV. The big TV in the bedroom is connected to cable TV.
I received a phone call from my mother in the morning. She wasn't feeling well (nothing serious) and she asked me to pick up some groceries for her. It was my pleasure to do it for her.
Earlier in the day Karen and I installed the digital converter for the small TV in the bedroom. Since we only watch it for about one hour a week we didn't want to incure a larger expense to hook it up to cable TV. The big TV in the bedroom is connected to cable TV.
I received a phone call from my mother in the morning. She wasn't feeling well (nothing serious) and she asked me to pick up some groceries for her. It was my pleasure to do it for her.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Gentleman of Leisure Today

I can never sleep late even on days when I don't have to get up for work, so I was out of bed at 6:20.
- I surfed the web using my old computer.
- I spent 2-3 hours reading the Sunday New York Times
- I went to Ben's Deli in Bayside to pick up a pastrami sandwich.
- I watched a DVD on the features of Windows Vista
Mazel Tov Heather Huey

Saturday, May 16, 2009
My First Encounter with Windows Vista

I decided to get Time Warner Cable's Road Runner and connect to the internet that way in the future. I will have to wait until Thursday to have it installed. Until then I'll have to work with the 2003 desktop. I will have to learn the capabilities of Windows Vista. I can work with the new laptop as long as I don't access the internet.
And so it goes with technology :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Staycation Day #1

LAter in the day I drove to the Holliswood section of Queens where I paid a shiva call to my friend Herb Hollander who lost his mother last weekend. Mrs Hollander lived to age 91, but it is still very sad to lose a parent. Herb and his wife Diane seem to be doing well.
Beginning my May Staycation
One advantage of working for a university is having 20 vacation days and 3 personal days a year. If you don't use them you lose them. Since the Spring semester just ended, I am taking some vacation time as I usually do in May. I'm not going away, but need to get away from the normal routine. I am sure that New Jersey Transit and the NJIT Library will do just fine without me for a week.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Installed Internet Explorer Version 8
There is nothing much to talk about today. Final exams are winding down and people will be leaving NJIT for the summer. I installed Internet Explorer Version #8 on my computer at home. I guess I need to work more with it to see the enhancements over older versions.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Birthday -Eric Burdon (of the Animals)
Here is one of my favorite Animal songs "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mothers Day 2009
Bruce, you need a haircut. She has said this to me before but I heard it on the way my sister's house on Long Island. We had a gathering there as we've had for many years. I am grateful that my mom is still living and is in good health at age 89. I just found out that the mother of my long time friend Herb Hollander passed away yesterday in Florida. My condolences to the Hollander family. It's a shame for them to have to bury their mother today.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I Broke a Bad Habit Today
We should go to more Met Games

Friday, May 8, 2009
Do You Own Facebook (Or Does Facebook own you?)

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Look Who's Number One!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thinking of Buying a Laptop
I have this current desk top since August 2003. It still runs reasonably well, but at times in moves slowly. I just hate it when the McAfee Virus update downloads and installs. It just takes forever to complete this task which really slows down the computer. I am thinking of buying a laptop and having a wireless network in my apartment. Current computers run on Windows Vista which people say is not the best operating system. There is supposed to be a Windows 7.0 operating system coming out, but it may not be ready until next January. Some of the students at NJIT saiad if I get a new computer, I should downgrade to Windows XP. My last two desktops were from Gateway, so I am not sure if I should stick with them or try another brand. Suggestions from readers of this journal are always welcome.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bob Dylan article in Rolling Stone Magazine

The article was written by Douglas Brinkley, Professor of U.S. History, at Rice University. He actually interviewed Dylan for this article and we all know that it is rare when Bob gives an in depth interview to any journalist. He starts by describing a concert at the Palais des Congres in Paris where President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife attended and met Dylan backstage. In many articles, books, songs, and movies there is a short segment that really hits me:
"The audiences at the Palais de Congres were cross-generational: The grayhairs and the body-pierced youths sat side by side. At this juncture Dylan's audience is..... well, everybody."
The article moves along and discusses the new CD Together Through Life and other issues.
"Something is happening here and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. _________."
Not Mr. Jones this time. I'll let my reader interpret that last sentence anyway he/she wants.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sad News - Uncle Abe passes away at 91
I just spoke to my mother and found out that my uncle Abraham Wagman passed away at age 91 in Rockville, Md. He certainly lived to a ripe old age. I remember that Abe would come up to see us every August to visit the cemetery plots of his parents, my grandparents. He took the Shuttle from Washington, DC and I would pick him up at Laguardia. We drove to Mount Mariah Cemetery in NJ. From there we would drive back and had lunch at Ben's Deli. We will surely miss him.
Happy 90th Birthday Pete Seeger
There was a big birthday gala last night at Madison Square Garden to celebrate the 90th birthday of fold singer and activist Pete Seeger. The guests included Bruce Springsteen, Arlo Guthrie, John Mellencamp, Joan Baez, Roger McGuinn, and Emmylou Harris. My favorite Pete Seeger song is Turn, Turn Turn.
The video below is Roger McGuinn singing Turn Turn Turn at last night's concert.
The video below is Roger McGuinn singing Turn Turn Turn at last night's concert.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Radio Personalities should not state their musical preferences on the air

This remark is intentionlly being very vague and is not being posted on a message board. Please contact me privately if you want to discuss the details of a particular incident.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Our First game at the New Yankee Stadium

Although pitchng ace C.C. Sabathia started the game, the Yankees faltered and lost the game 8-4. The only highlight was a two run home run in the 9th inning by Jorge Posada. Box Score.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Best wishes Uncle Abe
Yesterday I found out that my Uncle Abe in Rockville, Maryland was in the hospital with pneumonia. He is 91 years old, so we are hoping for the best for him. I just spoke to my mother who siad she hadn't heard anything in a day, so no news is good news for now.
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