Readers of this journal must know that I listen to many radio stations. I discovered
WFUV in the early 1990s when they featured Bob Dylan's music on his birthday. It is owned by Fordham University and relies on donations from listeners. Their fall fundraising drive began today. I sent my $100 donation today since all of today's donations will be matched by the Grateful Foundation. For many years they called their weekday music City Folk, but have recently rebranded it as Roots and Rock Radio. It is always a pleasure to hear long sets of music without commercials. Former WNEW-FM DJs Pete Fornatale, Dennis Elsas and Vin Scelsa have shows.
WFUV is trying to raise money to build a booster antenna to improve reception in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. They must also meet other operating expenses. I am sure that when the booster is built Scott Fybush will take pictures of it. I suggest readers of Bruce's Journal check out
http://www.fybush.com/sites/2008/site-080328.html where Scott shows photos of the station's new and old studios and transmitters.
It is always a pleasure to help an nonprofit radio station financially. In February I will give a similar donation to jazz station
WBGO. Nonprofits often preserve formats rarely found on commerical stations. Please support them.
If you like WFUV, give CBS Radio in Chicago, WXRT-FM 93.1 a try.
This is Chicago's heritage station.
It's has a Triple-A format but it's far from a "rock station."
Some features...
1. Saturday Morning Flashback..where a certain year is profiled for four hours. It's one of the most comprehensive features ever heard on radio. Not just a countdown show.
2. New Music Thursdays. The best of new music is highlighted and there's great music from up and coming bands as well as established artists.
3. Jazz Transfusion. Heard on Sunday Nights. A fine jazz show with Barry Winagrad hosting. Give it a try.
4. WXRT is known for playing established artists first when they debut...The Police, The Clash, Bruce Springsteen and many, more.
5. Sunday night also brings long-time WXRT talent Richard Milene "Local Anastetic" show. Music from artists who haven't been discovered are highlighted in this very noteworthy show.
For a commercial full-power FM station at 93.1 in Chicago, WXRT is the WNEW-FM in their heyday.
They of course can be heard world-wide over the internet at www.wxrt.com.
I was actually searching to find out how to create a non-profit radio station when I happened across your post. You are a special member of society. Keep up the great work!
By the way, I have found my answer to my search, and one is even free!
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