Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New York City Chapter of SABR to Meet on Saturday March 23 - All Baseball Fans are Welcome


Our annual in-person meeting is on Saturday, March 23 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm when Casey Stengel Chapter members have another exciting program for you at Scandinavia House - 58 Park Avenue (between 37th and 38th Streets) - a short walk from Grand Central Terminal.

A Guest Presentation will be by Kevin Baker - The New York Game: Baseball and the Rise of a New City and there will be a Panel Discussion on The Pulse of New York Baseball: Present and Past with Anthony McCarron (The Mets: A 50th Anniversary Celebration - with Andy Martino), Billy Altman, and Laura Albanese. Additionally, newly added Jay Goldberg will give a Presentation on The Memory of America: Stories from a New York Baseball Clubhouse. This meeting is open to non-members so please feel free to invite a guest!

Pre-registration for this event is preferred. Please contact David Lippman, Treasurer by emailing him at (Credit Card, Check or PayPal). Please note that checks should be made out to New York City Committee SABR. In-person registration (Cash Only) on March 23 is also an option. It is $30 admission and $10 for students. Pre-register today!

Full Official Program:
Chapter news and updates:
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